How to Reward Clients Who Get You New Business

“Five years ago, it might not have mattered if you rewarded those who refer you, says Beverly Koehn, author of Loyalty is Love, a book on customer satisfaction in residential construction. Today, she says, you need to give them a reason to want to. “It’s not their job...

Are You Too Busy For Referrals?

“Being Busy Is a Good Thing, Right? Going on inside a business owner’s head right about now: ‘The phone is ringing off the hook. I’m working 70-80 hours a week. I’m selling jobs at the price I want. I am having a hard time hiring new crews to keep up with my workload....

6 Ways To Get More Word-Of-Mouth Referrals

“Especially when starting out, word-of-mouth referrals are the most effective way to grow your business. Even in high-tech companies, having a couple hundred evangelists who can’t live without your product and will spread the word is incredibly important. A great...

“No Other Company Has Ever Done That”

“Deb, just thought you would like to read this Thank You note from our customer. This is just one of several we’ve received since you sent our last order of gifts. Thank you for the great product and service at your end, and for helping us look great!” “Thank you for...

“Make Employees Feel Welcome”

“Thank you for my ‘Welcome Aboard’ basket! When Joe, my husband, saw the goodies he thought it was a packaging project we were working on. When I told him it was actually a gift from you, he was as surprised as I was! It was so thoughtful of you to think of doing that...